Keynote Presentations

Passionate, personal, insight-driven and action-oriented presentations that educate, engage, motivate and inspire positive aging and life planning solutions.

Keynote Presentation Overview

Bruce Frankel Presentation

Bruce Frankel giving keynote to Rockland County Senior Awareness Day, 2011

Life Planning Network's keynote speakers connect and captivate your audiences with customized presentations and conversations about how to live smart after 50. Our organization's diverse national experts on life planning, positive aging, retirement, caregiving, relationships, ethics, fitness, spirituality, legacy and purpose, deliver presentations built on the collective knowledge, wisdom and experience distilled in Live Smart After 50! The keynotes — thoroughly researched, interactive and action-oriented — can be adapted to audiences of any size, population or interest.

Among other benefits, our presentations:

  • Awaken awareness of life planning issues
  • Provide tools for exploring and identifying personal goals
  • Develop conversations essential to tackling the complex issues of aging and grasping possibilities for a happy, healthy, financially-secure and purpose-filled future
  • Deliver understanding and models for discovering creativity, community, and a personal path to a fulfilling second half of life

For information, contact us.